Fluxus Cantonia Art Collective is a Cantonese nationalist artist-turned-activist group established in China-occupied Shumchum (Shenzhen) in August 2022. The Collective is fully independent, i.e. not a subordinate to any other nationalist groups (e.g. Cantonia Independence Party and International Cantonese Conservation Association) and has no plan to be one.

The Collective is not a politics-focused organization. Other than the separatist stance we hold, The Collective is neutral on most if not all topics; the main focus of The Collective is to provide technical support to our fellow compatriots in their activism endeavours.

Fluxus Cantonia Art Collective 係一個堅持南粵民族主義立場嘅由藝術家轉型為活動家的團體,於2022年8月喺中國佔領嘅深圳成立。我哋完全獨立,即不隸屬於任何其他類似組織(例如粵國獨立黨同嶺南民團),亦都冇成為其他組織嘅一部份嘅計劃。


Fluxus Cantonia Art Collective hãi yât-go gîncï Näam Yũt mänzũk-júyĩ lãapchöeng ge yäu ngãisẽot-gâa jún-yïng wäi wũtdũng-gâa ge tyüntái, yû 2022-nïn 8-yũt hái Zûng Gwok zimlẻng ge Sâm Zan sëng-lãap. Ngỏdẽi yünchün dũklãp, zîk bât dãi-sũk yû yãmhö këitâa lẽoicỉ ge zóuzîk (lãiyü Yũt Gwok Dũk Lãp Dóng tüng Lỉng Näam Män Tyün), yĩk dôu mỏu sïng-wäi këitâa zóuzîk ge yât-bõufãn ge gaiwãak.

Ngỏdẽi m'hãi yât-go yỉ zingzĩ wäi zũngdím ge zóuzîk; ngỏdẽi ge gûngzok zũngdím hãi wãi ngỏdẽi ge tüngbâau ge wũtdũng täigûng gẽisẽot-zîcï. Cëoi-zó fânlëi-júyĩ ge lãapchöeng zî-ngõi, ngỏdẽi hái dãai-dô-sou ge yitäi sõeng dôu hãi zûnglãap ge.
